DIAS, F. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4373862778212174; DIAS, Francinaldo Silva.
This dissertation aims to analyze how the advertisement approach is given in textbooks and how the advertisement is linked to reading activities in the Elementary School classroom. For that, we identified the advertisement in the reading activities in the textbook; we investigated if the reading proposals contemplate the indication of the compositional form of the text, the sender, the addressee and the communicative purpose; and we verified if the activity proposal with the advertisement allows the student to establish himself as a social subject. From the Portuguese Language textbook universe, we selected as corpus the Portuguese Collection: Languages from 6th to 9th year, 2012, approved by the PNLD/2014 for the 2014/2016 triennium by the authors Willian Roberto Cereja and Thereza Cochar Magalhães. In order to carry out this research, the guidelines of the National Curricular Parameters – PCN – third and fourth cycles of Portuguese Language Fundamental Teaching (BRASIL, 1998, p.54) were followed. In addition to PCNs, Bakhtin's Theory of Textual Genres (2011), reflected by Marcuschi
(2008), focusing on its conceptual basis: thematic content, form and style. The theory also contemplated what are now considered the conditions of production of genres. In addition, the Advertising Text Theory (Carvalho, 2000; 2014) was used, thus defining the discursive sphere in which this genre fits and seeking to understand the functioning of this genre within this discursive sphere, its textual and discursive characteristics, the Theories of reading (Kleiman, 1989; 2014) and (KOCH, 2011) this one, to understand the reading conceptions in their perspectives, the one with reading strategies. Through quantitative and qualitative analyses, it was verified that the reading proposals with the advertising genre are present throughout the collection, for the most part they are used in reading proposals, although with some reservations.