AZEVÊDO, V. R.;; AZEVÊDO, Viviane Ramos de.
Qualified open spaces that satisfy the needs of their users positively influence the well-
being of individuals and in the long term contribute to their quality of life. Conversely,
those that do not meet the preferences of their users negatively affect human behavior,
influencing their non-use, making them underutilized. In this context, the research aims
to investigate the relationship of use and appropriation of users (children and their
companions) for free space and furniture for children in an urban park located in the
city of Campina Grande-PB. To understand these elements, the work was divided into
two stages, the first stage corresponds to the urban visual analysis through the
application of serial vision tools, mental map and psychogeographic map. The second
stage corresponds to the visual analysis of the design through functional category,
communication and investigation tools. The research results indicate that despite the
problems identified related to the deficit of urban furniture, external and internal
interference by adults, time preference, disordered visual composition and superficial
qualification, there is an effective and satisfactory appropriation of spaces and
children's urban furniture. The factors identified for a good evaluation of use and
appropriation contribute as aspects to be used to improve the quality of other areas of
the city. Therefore, it is concluded that the Parque da Criança provides its users with
opportunities for leisure and children's recreation within the scope of urban public open
spaces and that the furniture that constitutes them acts directly as attractions,
stimulating the experience of the city.