BARBOSA, V. M. S.;; BARBOSA, Verônica Marques da Silva.
The present dissertation has as its object of investigation the Specialized Educational Service
(AEE) carried out in regular schools of the municipal education network of Campina
Grande/PB, from 2008 to 2018. Its general objective was to analyze the AEE implemented in
educational units of the Network Municipal School of Campina Grande/PB, having as
reference the guiding document National Policy on Special Education in the Perspective of
Inclusive Education (BRASIL, 2008). We adopt as theoretical references authors who study
and problematize the inclusion policy in the context of the global and national educational
debate in its historical, political, social and educational aspects of the public policy of special
education in the perspective of inclusive education and the contradictions present in the
political-political scenario. Brazilian educational system involved in the defense of
“Education for All”. The research adopted a qualitative approach and was carried out through
document analysis, with emphasis on documents of the school inclusion policy of the national
and local contexts, among them: the Term of Adjustment of Conduct (TAC), of the Public
Ministry of the State of Paraíba ( 2018) and documents from the Municipal Education
Department of Campina Grande (SEDUC-CG): the Pedagogical Political Project -PPP, AEE
Monitoring Notebooks and Specialized Educational Assistance Plans-PAEE, from the year
2018. Based on data analysis we identified evidence of AEE implementation actions and its
functioning in schools in the municipality, as established in the legislation of the inclusion
policy as well as some weaknesses and irregularities in this process, regarding: the necessary
amount of SRMFs of the schools for the AEE and their restructuring ; lack of dialogue
between the AEE teacher and the regular classroom teacher; absence of follow-up or
monitoring by SEDUC-CG in the work carried out by AEE teachers. We also found evidence
of visions and definitions of people with disabilities related to diagnosis, absence and disease,
to the normality/abnormality binomial, which is related to the concept of disability as
“cultural deprivation”. The data point, therefore, to the need to comply with the legislation
that regulates the inclusion policy, in the sense of maintaining a consistent and equitable
action in the necessary restructuring of the AEE rooms, through their reordering, monitoring
in locus of the coordination of Education Special/Inclusive of SEDUC-CG, in order to
subsidize the materialization of a better qualified inclusion policy. In this sense, it is also
necessary to prioritize actions of continuing education of the professionals involved that
thematize and problematize conceptions of disability and their implications in the
development of individuals with disabilities and in the work carried out by AEE teachers.
From this research, we indicate studies that, in the light of the founding principle of education
as a public and subjective right, investigate: the AEE in the schools of the municipality, after
the year 2018, when the signing of the TAC between the Prosecutor's Office and the
Secretariat of Education; conceptions and mediations of AEE teachers in SRMFs and the
relationship of this work with the context of the regular classroom, from the perspective of
subjects who experience school inclusion.