SILVA, A. M.; SILVA, Alisson Marreiro da.
This work aimed to determine the cardiac and respiratory effects and the body
temperature in consequence of the anesthesia epidural use, being acepromazina as preanesthesic
medication, and with the associations cetamina-midazolam and tiletaminazolazepam,
in cats submitted to ovarossalpingohisterectomia. And to compare the
effects caused by the both anesthesic way, verifying the duration and the quality of the
anesthesia in each association. Aiming to obtain an anesthesia with more security and
without an expansive price.
Ten cats were used, being distributed into two groups, with different associations.
In the group cetamina-midazolam it was used a dose of 7,5 mg/kg of cetamina e 0,5
mg/kg of midazolam; in the group tiletamina-zolazepam it was used the dose of 2,5
mg/kg of tiletamina and 2,5 mg/kg of zolazepam; in the two groups acepromazina was
used as MAP in the dose of 0,5 mg/kg and the epidural lombossacra anesthesia was
make with lidocaina as vasoconstrictor in the dose of 0,22ml/kg.
The parameters were obtained before the acepromazina application, 15 minutes after it,
and 15 minutes after each application of the dissociative anesthesia, till the end of the
This work showed that the use of the epidural anesthesia with the anesthesic association
studied, do not make significant alterations on the cardiac and respiratory frequencies,
just was observed a little decrease of the body temperature.
The cetamine dose used was not enough to realize the surgery procedure, being
necessary more doses of the dissociative anesthesia. The doses used in the group
tiletamina-zolazepam demonstrated efficacy.
All the animals were sedados after the acepromazina application, being important its
calm effect. In the two groups the anesthesic induction was quick, with a good muscle
relax caused by the epidural anesthesia effect, in association with the benzodiazepinicos
It can be concluded that is possible to realize ovariossalpingohisterectomia with
epidural anesthesia, using the doses of the tiletamina-zolazepam association, needing the use of alternatives to maintain the body temperature. And the cetamine-midazolam
association it is not recommended for this case.