LACERDA, M. C.; LACERDA, Mariana Cavalcanti.
The Retroviroses are feline diseases that affect cats in various parts of the world,
being common to find them in street cats and have contact with other animals.
Prognostic pathologies are booked most of the time because their clinical
manifestations are severe and can affect many organs. The feline viral
immunodeficiency (FIV) is a lentivirus that causes a progressive immune
deficiency in animals similar to human acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS), while
feline viral leukemia (FeLV) is able to induce neoplastic diseases, being the most
common Lymphoma in infected cats. These retroviroses can also induce in other
diseases, which are secondary to infection or opportunists. Among the various
forms of diagnosis for these illnesses can highlight the enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA), immunofluorescence (IFA) reaction, polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) and the technique of Western Blotting (WB). Finally, owners
who have or not cats infected with FeLV or FIV should be oriented about the
course of the disease, its epidemiology, therapeutic protocols that will be used to
combat the symptoms of these diseases and preventive measures.