LIMA, A. B.; LIMA, Andréia Bezerra de.
The present project objectified reflects about the experience of poetry reading of Manuel
Bandeira in the 9t h grade of the Ademar Veloso da Silveira State School, considering the
dialog like a popular culture is present in the poetic of this author. Therefore, made
necessary a revision of certain theoretical concepts on popular culture such as: the
complexity of the Brazilian Culture and about the representatively of popular
manifestations in the Bandeira's poems. We realize the reading of poems presents in the
organized anthology, showing the way how some elements in the people's culture are
bringing a new meaning by the poet. We also broach about the literature and the teaching,
as well as the interaction text-reader, aiming to revalue the methodology focused to the
poetic text; Seeking to verify the reception of the poems by the teenagers, we observe the
reactions and remarks said by the collaborators students of the research and then we
register ali in a Field's Journal. The relate of experience, underlie in presupposes of the
Esthetic of Reception, intended to show the different attitudes up against of the poems
read, 'cause we believe that the poems get with the emotions, with the feelings, and with
the sensations; So, the contact with the poetic text is a singular moment that, in the most
of times depends of the methodology used, of experience and expectative of the students
and of the esthetic quality of the work. An example is what we live, isn't enough choose a
poem of quality, before, we should plan our activities and think about texts from the
horizon of the class expectative. We also learned about the work with poems will be more
significant if change, of some way, the horizon of the reader expectative. In this
perspective, we hope that this project build an example of stimulus for a reflection about
the function of the literature in the school, giving significant contributions to rethink about
the pedagogic practice focused to the literary text.
Keywords: Manuel Bandeira, Popular Culture, Esthetic of Reception and Literature