CAMPOS, G. N. F.;; CAMPOS, Gustavo Nóbrega Ferreira.
Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used by communities in the city of Patos - PB, Brazil. Great part of the population in the developing countries, amongst them Brazil, uses the medicinal plants for treatment of diverse illnesses. With the search for a more healthful and balanced life, the search for such species also for the people of greater power buying. Currently, it has increased the interest for the culture of medicinal plants, being able to be a source of income for families of small agriculturists. This work has as objective to carry through a survey of the main species of existing medicinal plants, cultivated and used for the communities of the city of Patos- PB. as alternative forms for the treatment of different diseases. The research was carried through in 06 quarters of the city of Patos. PB. in the period of 22 of April the 05 of August, where 55 streets had been visited, totalizing 284 users. The results had been gotten by means of halfstructuralized interviews and questionnaires applied to the users of the following quarters chosen to perhaps: Jatoba. Center. Saint Antonio. Belo Horizonte. Liberdade and Bivar Olinto. The medicinal plants more used between interviewed had been: Malva do Reino. hortela da folha miuda. erva cidreira. boldo. saiao. babosa. roma. mastruz. manjericao and sabugueiro. The community demonstrated the great importance of i f having these plants as alternative of treatment to the users, therefore, beyond rescuing the millenarian culture that i f it transmits of parents for children, an option for the devoid population can be given more that has great difficulties in the access the pharmaceutical medicines.