RAMOS, J. C.; RAMOS, Joab Cabral.
Epidemiological study of oral and maxillofacial trauma in a referral hospital in Paraíba. Maxillofacial trauma from external causes represents one of the greatest challenges for public health services. It is caused in the body by violent means and / or accidents. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of buccomaxillofacial traumas of patients treated at a referral hospital in Paraiba. This cross-sectional study had an inductive approach with comparative statistical procedure and direct field documentation research technique. The universe consisted of all hospital records obtained from January 2016 to December 2017 of patients attended by the Buccomaxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology service of the Deputy Regional Hospital Janduhy Carneiro in the city of Patos-Paraíba. Of the 332 charts, the sex most affected by trauma was males 276 (83.1%), the age group most affected was the third decade of life 107 (32.2%), with the most common etiology for both the most affected bone fractures were the nose bones 122 (38.2%) and the most frequent soft tissue lesion was edema 115 (50.9%). Of the patients with bone fractures, only 69 (20.8%) were polytraumatized patients. The traumas caused by traffic accidents were the most prevalent, being the bones of the nose the region most affected by fractures and edema the most common trauma in soft tissues. These data can serve to improve trauma patient care, as well as improve or create new policies for preventing traffic accidents.