CRISTÓVAM, A. V. S.; CRISTÓVAM, Aristony Vinícius Soares.
Gingival contour correction using conventional and minimally invasive gingivectomy techniques. The search for odonto-surgical procedures due to gingivitis dento disharmony is frequent. In order to obtain a result of excellence in treatment, it is necessary besides a correct diagnosis, an adequate planning making use of one or more techniques better indicated for the case. The objective of this work is to re-establish a clinical case of smile correction through periodontal plastic surgery. The patient J.D.S.M, 25 years old, female, reported complaints of aesthetic dissatisfaction in the gingival contour. Clinical and periodontal evaluation showed normal labial position, absence of insertion loss, thick periodontal biotype and clinical crowns of the disproportionate anteroposterior elements. The elements 11, 12 and 13 had smaller clinical crowns than the corresponding teeth. The gingival contour was corrected by the technique of external bevel gingivectomy on eleven (1 mm), 12 (2 mm) and 13 (1 mm) elements with gingivoplasty on all teeth of the sextant. After a reassessment of 21 days, it was observed that the clinical crowns of elements 12 and 13 were diminished due to their etiology of altered passive eruption. Thus, the surgical procedure for these elements was a periodontal plastic surgery of the gingivectomy type and minimally invasive osteotomy without flap bending. After the surgical procedure and a complete repair of the periodontal tissue, it was verified that the size of the clinical crowns was harmonious guaranteeing a satisfactory aesthetic result. In view of the above, we can conclude that the use of more than one technique of periodontal plastic surgery is of paramount importance for a good result.