SILVA, E. C.;; SILVA, Érica Calú da.
During or after performing oral surgery there is the possibility of occurrence of
surgical complications, being alveolitis or alveolar osteitis, root fracture, hemorrhage,
infection and oroantral communication the most frequent cases. The conduct of the
dental surgeon facing these complications is of fundamental importance for the
resolution and reversal of the occurred frame. This study aims to compare the
conduct of the general practitioner dentist (group A) and maxillofacial surgeon (group
B) facing the occurrence of complications in oral surgery. A specific questionnaire
was elaborated with thirteen questions addressing demographic and specific data.
The questionnaire was administered to 40 (forty) DS and 32 (thirty-two) maxillofacial
surgeons working in the state of Paraiba, Brazil. The collected data were submitted in
the light of descriptive statistics and the Fisher exact test or chi-square, with 5%
significance. Most of the group's interviewed from group A is of the female gender
(80%) and group B with the male gender (90.6%), age range being similar between
groups. and the similar age group between groups. Was observed satisfactory level
of knowledge from the interviewed professionals in front of the proper treatment of
oroantral communication, root fracture, bleeding, jaw fracture, tooth fragment
aspiration and alveolitis. Based on the methodology used in this study it was
observed a satisfactory level of knowledge of the professionals evaluated regarding
the management facing the occurrence of complications in oral surgery.