MOTA, N. M. B.;; MOTA, Neusa Maria Bezerra.
Due the high cost of the traditional materials used at civil constructions, has been intensified the studies of the alternative materials such as lime-pozzolana cement. The lime- pozzolana cement is a mixture of lime and pozzolana. It can be a substitute of the expensive and traditional materials used at mortar and lining of masonry. With the
gradual development of the research it is easily perceived that the costs of this mixture are equivalent to the lime and besides has a mechanical performance from 15 to 20 times higher than the similar mortar with lime. In this research were studied the characteristics properties of the materials utilized for to make the mortars and the mechanical properties of the materials of the conventional mortars for bricks settlement and several types of plasters, recommend by
ABNT, PINI and CIGRA, and of the alternatives mortars made, by attempt, from conventionals mortars. The materials were characterized through physical properties as unit mass, granulometric analysis, specific mass and specific surface. The mechanical properties
were determined through resistance to simple compression and resistance to traction by diametrical compression of the cylindrical proof specimen with 5cm x 10cm of the dimension. The factor water/cement was calculated in laboratory according to the objective.
It was verified through of characteristics properties that the materials were suitable. The results obtained from the mechanical properties show the superiority of the alternative mortars. It is possible to observe through the comparative analyses that the substitution of the conventionals lime by lime- pozzolana cement permits to reduce
about 79% at volumetric proportion of the Portland cement. The alternative mortars obtained have a costs reduction of the 24% in relation to conventional mortars.