The surgical technique to increase the clinical crown is indicated as a treatment option for biological invasion of space, due to several factors such as: tooth fractures, root resorption, root perforation, iatrogenic prosthetic preparations and decay. This study aimed to describe a clinic case of surgical treatment to recovery of biological space and subsequent prosthetic rehabilitation after oblique coronal
fracture of the element 21. After the emergency procedures, endodontic treatment was performed in the element and the biological space was surgically recovered by the technique of gingivectomy with osteotomy in the lingual, returning a distance of 3 mm between the end of the preparation and alveolar bone, after the verification of the small amount of remaining tooth structure, was installed a intraradicular retainer of fiberglass pin, followed by rehabilitation of the element with a fixed prosthesis of zirconia metal-free. The integration between different dental specialties enabled the surgical recovery of the biological space, followed by the installation of an intraradicular retainer with a fixed prosthesis, when associates showed favorable aesthetic and functional results with good marginal adaptation and appropriate contours.