NÓBREGA, E. B.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1925281732762870; NÓBREGA, Érika Borges da.
In the teaching of Biology, specially on Genetic area, the transmition of the main themes in
Educational Institutions already been done by a traditional form, promoting noticeable
damages on teaching-leaming process. As an inovative altemative to transform the real vision
of Genetic Teaching, this work exposed an interesting strategy made up a puppet theather
based on the book originally called “Le chant d amour des concombres de mer” whose the
author is Bertrand Jordan. To giving to the Biology future teachers a different methodology
for teaching and leaming themes about Genetics, Molecular Biology and Evolution, through
the reading of this book, the Creative capacity was woke up. To do the research, we needed
interviewed 24 students all enrolled in a discipline called Genetics of the Evolutive Process
and Biological Conservation in a course of Sciences Biology from UACB/CSTR/UFCG. All
of students had to fill a form about the book and the own teaching practice. We observed that
83% of the interviewed people told the puppet theather was a very interesting strategy. All
students confirmed that there is a relationship inside the classroom and outside. About 96% of
interviewed have mentioned that used the techniques or strategies for teaching in their classes.
It is possible that the teachers can be evolved a new form of minister Genetic Classes.