MATIAS, L. D. M.;; MATIAS, Lucas David Maia.
online learning games emerge as a way to stimulate the development of new
skills, knowledge, or to reinforce existing ones. Furthermore, it is worth emphasizing its
relevance in the training of students, such as those in Nursing, since they are potentiators for
teaching. With an accurate search in the literature, it was observed that there is an incipience of
these playful technologies, which favor the teaching-learning process in the nursing area. Thus,
the present study is justified by bringing an attractive technological product, through an online
learning game, which can provide an experience with instruction and entertainment, which
enables the teaching-learning process. Objective: to describe the process of developing a ludic-
educational technology for learning semiology and semiotechnics in nursing. Method: this is a
methodological study modulated in the stages of planning, prototyping and production of the
first playable version of the game. For the planning, an integrative review was carried out in
order to identify gaps in Serious Games, technologies for teaching in nursing and theoretical
basis and conceptualization. In prototyping, the online graphic design software Canva© was
used for the textual part; for the illustration of the characters, the digital art software Easy Paint
Tool SAI© was used, which allowed vectorizing the characters previously drawn by hand. And
finally, for the production of the first playable version, the Construct engine version 2© was
chosen for the materialization of the game. Results: Semio em Jogo® technology was built
containing 3 phases. In the first phase, content related to the care provided from the moment a
patient enters the Basic Health Unit was addressed, and for that, questions about Vital Signs
were emphasized. In the second phase, the scenario takes place within a Secondary Health Care
outpatient clinic, and in this way, contents related to the student's first contact with the patient
in this environment are exposed, and thus, subjects related to biosecurity measures are
presented. In the third phase, the patient is hospitalized and for that the game focuses on the
physical examination itself. Discussion: it is inferred that Semio em Jogo® can contribute to a
better professional formation, since it presents a simulation of what the professional can find in
his daily practice. And, in addition, it makes learning more interesting from a product that
generates immersion and enthusiasm, thus fixing the contents more easily in the student's
psyche. However, it cannot be considered a substitute for the practical experience of the
professional work environment, since only it can provide the student with all the necessary tools
to be a qualified professional. Final considerations: given the above, it was seen that the
present work brought a technology that can enhance/complement the learning of undergraduate
nursing students from the rational use of this product. But, even so, it is suggested that the
evaluation of the playability be carried out with students of a bachelor's degree in nursing, in
addition to submitting it to the appreciation of specialists in the area of semiology and