ARAÚJO, Derick Abrantes de Andrade.
The year of 2021 was marked by records of inputs and services high prices in the civil construction market. This fact is pointed out by several construction companies as a major obstacle to business development. Thus, the search for more economical building systems, on the part of several companies and builders throughout the
country, becomes increasingly necessary. In this context, two building systems that
are widely used in Brazil (the conventional reinforced concrete and the structural masonry system) are compared economically in order to verify which advantage, in
budgetary terms, one system has over another. For this step, an architectural model was elaborated, which served as the basis for the design and dimensioning of the structure for the model building, in each of the case and, subsequently, for the budgets.
These budgets, in turn, were based on SINPAI's synthetic composition tables for the
state of Paraíba, referring to March 2022. The use of structural masonry provided an
economy of 16.52% in relation to reinforced concrete, considering the direct costs obtained for each model.