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Autoestima dos estudantes de enfermagem diante do contexto pandêmico da Covid-19.

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dc.creator.ID AVELAR, J. R. pt_BR
dc.creator.Lattes http://lattes.cnpq.br/2538859542937372 pt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor1 SARAIVA, Alynne Mendonça.
dc.contributor.advisor1ID SARAIVA, Alynne Mendonça. pt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor1Lattes http://lattes.cnpq.br/8869678305441029 pt_BR
dc.contributor.referee1 PIMENTEL, Edlene Régis Silva.
dc.contributor.referee1ID PIMENTEL, E.R.S. pt_BR
dc.contributor.referee1Lattes http://lattes.cnpq.br/1671747203740126 pt_BR
dc.contributor.referee2 CARVALHO, Mariana Albernaz Pinheiro de.
dc.contributor.referee2ID CARVALHO, M. A. P. pt_BR
dc.contributor.referee2Lattes http://lattes.cnpq.br/2522454119334432 pt_BR
dc.description.resumo O ensino remoto se tornou o principal meio de ensino das instituições educacionais diante da pandemia, sendo caracterizado como uma mudança temporária em virtude da crise. Essa nova modalidade de ensino, trouxe mudanças significativas que repercutiram diretamente na autoestima dos estudantes e consequentemente no seu rendimento acadêmico. Objetivo: avaliar a autoestima dos estudantes de enfermagem em contexto pandêmico. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, com uma abordagem quantitativa. A coleta e análise de dados se deu a partir da escala de autoestima de Rosenberg (The Rosenberg Self-Esteem) e de instrumento complementar desenvolvido pelos autores. A pesquisa foi realizada no município de Cuité, no campus da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, o Centro de Educação e Saúde (CES), com estudantes do Curso de Enfermagem. Resultados: Dentre os entrevistados, 60,7% apresentam valores que indicam uma autoestima diminuída de modo geral. Os números indicam que a maioria absoluta apresenta uma baixa autoestima, decorrente do período vivenciado na pandemia, com uma pontuação entre 7 e 12 no escore, o que representa 89,7% dos entrevistados. Isso mostra que o desgaste vivenciado pelos estudantes durante esse tempo é presente e notório. Os resultados dos dados obtidos sugerem que o fato de ter a rotina, tanto de vida, como de estudos mudadas durante a pandemia, acarretaram a diminuição da autoestima. Conclusão: A baixa autoestima está presente entre os estudantes, como mostram os resultados obtidos através dessa pesquisa, que podem sugerir que essa autoestima diminuída seja advinda do período vivenciado pela pandemia. Se faz necessária uma investigação por parte das instituições de ensino, para que haja intervenções e criação de programas voltados para a saúde mental dos estudantes. pt_BR
dc.publisher.country Brasil pt_BR
dc.publisher.department Centro de Educação e Saúde - CES pt_BR
dc.publisher.initials UFCG pt_BR
dc.subject.cnpq Enfermagem pt_BR
dc.title Autoestima dos estudantes de enfermagem diante do contexto pandêmico da Covid-19. pt_BR
dc.date.issued 2022-08-10
dc.description.abstract Remote education has become the main way of teaching at educational institutions in the face of the pandemic, being characterized as a temporary change. This new type of teaching brought significant changes that had a direct impact on students' self-esteem and consequently on their academic performance. Objective: to evaluate the self-esteem of nursing students in a pandemic context. Methodology: This is a descriptive study, with a quantitative approach. Data collection and analysis was based on the Rosenberg Self-Esteem self-esteem scale. The research was carried out in the municipality of Cuité, on the campus of the Federal University of Campina Grande, the Center for Education and Health (CES), with students of the Nursing Course. Results: Among the interviewees, 60.7% presented values that indicate a generally decreased self-esteem. The figures indicate that the absolute majority has a low self-esteem, resulting from the period experienced in the pandemic, with a score between 7 and 12, which represents 89.7% of the interviewees. This shows that the emotional distress experienced by students during this time is notorious. The results of the data obtained suggest that the routine, both of personal life and studies changed during the pandemic, which led to a decrease in self-esteem. Conclusion: Low self-esteem is present among students, as shown by the results obtained through this research, which may suggest that this decreased self-esteem is due to the period experienced by the pandemic. It is necessary that the educational institutions take action into further investigation so that they can develop interventions and are able to create programs focused on improving the mental health of students. pt_BR
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.sti.ufcg.edu.br:8080/jspui/handle/riufcg/27110
dc.date.accessioned 2022-09-13T13:23:29Z
dc.date.available 2022-09-13
dc.date.available 2022-09-13T13:23:29Z
dc.type Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso pt_BR
dc.subject Estudante de enfermagem pt_BR
dc.subject Estudante de enfermagem - auto-estima pt_BR
dc.subject Enfermagem - estudante - pandemia pt_BR
dc.subject Enfermagem - ensino remoto pt_BR
dc.subject Discente de enfermagem - autoestima pt_BR
dc.subject Aluno de enfermagem - autoestima pt_BR
dc.subject Nursing pt_BR
dc.subject Nursing student - self-esteem pt_BR
dc.subject Nursing - remote teaching pt_BR
dc.subject Nursing student - self-esteem pt_BR
dc.subject Nursing student pt_BR
dc.subject Nursing - student - pandemic pt_BR
dc.subject Nursing student - self-esteem pt_BR
dc.subject Estudiante de enfermería - autoestima pt_BR
dc.subject Enfermería - enseñanza a distancia pt_BR
dc.subject Estudiante de enfermería - autoestima pt_BR
dc.subject Estudiante de enfermería pt_BR
dc.subject Enfermería - estudiante - pandemia pt_BR
dc.subject Estudiante de enfermería - autoestima pt_BR
dc.rights Acesso Aberto pt_BR
dc.creator AVELAR, Júlio Rodrigues de.
dc.publisher Universidade Federal de Campina Grande pt_BR
dc.language por pt_BR
dc.title.alternative Self-esteem of nursing students in the face of the pandemic context of Covid-19. pt_BR
dc.title.alternative Autoestima de estudiantes de enfermería frente al contexto de pandemia de Covid-19. pt_BR
dc.identifier.citation AVELAR, Júlio Rodrigues de. Autoestima dos estudantes de enfermagem diante do contexto pandêmico da Covid-19. 2022. 44 fl. (Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso – Monografia), Curso de Bacharelado em Enfermagem, Centro de Educação e Saúde, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Cuité – Paraíba – Brasil, 2022. pt_BR
dc.description.resumen Remote education has become the main way of teaching at educational institutions in the face of the pandemic, being characterized as a temporary change. This new type of teaching brought significant changes that had a direct impact on students' self-esteem and consequently on their academic performance. Objective: to evaluate the self-esteem of nursing students in a pandemic context. Methodology: This is a descriptive study, with a quantitative approach. Data collection and analysis was based on the Rosenberg Self-Esteem self-esteem scale. The research was carried out in the municipality of Cuité, on the campus of the Federal University of Campina Grande, the Center for Education and Health (CES), with students of the Nursing Course. Results: Among the interviewees, 60.7% presented values that indicate a generally decreased self-esteem. The figures indicate that the absolute majority has a low self-esteem, resulting from the period experienced in the pandemic, with a score between 7 and 12, which represents 89.7% of the interviewees. This shows that the emotional distress experienced by students during this time is notorious. The results of the data obtained suggest that the routine, both of personal life and studies changed during the pandemic, which led to a decrease in self-esteem. Conclusion: Low self-esteem is present among students, as shown by the results obtained through this research, which may suggest that this decreased self-esteem is due to the period experienced by the pandemic. It is necessary that the educational institutions take action into further investigation so that they can develop interventions and are able to create programs focused on improving the mental health of students. pt_BR

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