DANTAS, M. C. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6232523532561423; DANTAS, Maria Clara Soares.
To know the view of academics on nursing training to carry out health education
activities in different work contexts. Method: This is an exploratory-descriptive study with
a qualitative approach developed with 15 participants. Data collection took place between
May and June 2022, using a sociodemographic questionnaire and a semi-structured script.
For data processing, the Iramuteq software was used. Results: a great potential is that health
education is a cross-cutting theme, theoretically debated in many other disciplines of the
curricular matrix, in addition to having the base knowledge and being able to practice it,
on the other hand, there are limitations such as the fact that it has few opportunities to
materialize this knowledge in a practical way, in addition to the discipline distancing itself
from reality. Final Considerations: The practice of health education must advance in the
sense of practicing actions for the realization of knowledge and strengthening of the
theoretical-practical relationship. Therefore, it is recommended future intervention studies
with the theme preparing characteristics of the type before and after and it is suggested the
effectiveness of the extension curricularization as a way of complementation and
association with the theories worked in the classroom.