MARQUES, M. V. S.;; MARQUES, Maria Valéria Siqueira.
The main objective of this research is to contribute to the development of instructional
materials aligned to the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais de Língua Estrangeira (PCNLE),
through a didactic sequence for the teaching of reading, specifically of reporting news
in English. The first specific objective is to describe the way the proposed didactic
sequence converged with the proposal of the PCN-LE. The second specific objective was
to investigate how the proposal helped to improve the reading of the genre reporting news
for Elementary School students. The didactic sequence proposed in this research is
based on the theoretical assumptions of Dolz and Schneuwly (2004), who treat the genre
reporting news through a didactic approach based on the proposal of the PCN-LE
(BRASIL, 1998), with its focus placed on the educational development of a discursive
perspective of reading. In order to reflect about this perspective, we also based on
Cristóvão (2001a, 2008b); Mascia (2005); Coracini (1995); Camargnani (1995); Grigoletto
(1995), among others. Our research fits into the mode of action research or intervention
research, since it provides a qualitative interpretive analysis of the selected data. The
corpus for analysis of the data was generated through four modules of a didactic
sequence for the teaching of the reporting news in order to verify the students' prior
knowledge about the subject (module 1), getting the students acquainted with the genre
reporting news (Module 2), applying tasks related to interpretation of reading activities
(Module 3) and linguistic analysis (Module 4). In the first part of the analysis, we focused
on reading activities which were aligned with the PCN-LE and used three categories
(stages of reading, prior knowledge and activities of discursive engagement). In the
second part of the analysis, we discussed the contributions of the didactic sequence for
the improvement of the teaching of reading through the reporting news genre and we also
used three categories (text organization, familiarity with the subject and discursive
engagement. The results showed that, in the first part of the analysis, there is
convergence with the PCN-LE. The three categories chosen for the study showed that the
activities helped the students in the process of constructing meaning, since we inserted
the stages of reading, and prepared the discursive engagement involving three types of
knowledge (world, textual and systemic), which collaborated to the students development
of communicative competence. In the second part of the analysis concerning the
contributions to the improvement of reading instruction of reporting news by Elementary
School students, the results showed contributions in the three categories proposed. The
students showed better understanding of the reporting news features and acquired a
common language related to the genre, they also developed strategies focusing on the
understanding of non verbal language (section division and photos) instigated by their
world knowledge. In addition, the students understood the climax as the attractive part of
the reporting news; they also read and reacted to the critical issue of the discussions in
the classroom. In summary, we came to the conclusion that the discursive reading of the
reporting news constitutes a meaningful experience for teaching languages in Elementary
School, since the participants engaged themselves in reading discursively and expressing
a critical awareness of the issue.