MEDEIROS, H. E. A.;; MEDEIROS, Hadoock Ezequiel Araújo de.
This research has as objective to analyze cordéis by Antonio Francisco, focusing the social
critical and to carry out group reading sessions at Elementary schools with students in the
first grade. During the experience with cordéis in the classroom evaluate the students'
reception of these poems in the reading the light of two categories: orality and criticism
social. The main theoretical premises that informed our study were based on reflections
regarding Reception Aesthetics by Jauss (1994) and Iser (1979). With regard to the
theoretical-methodological orientations for reading literature in the schools, we used Colomer
(2007), Petit (2008), Pinheiro (2007), as a basis, as well as official documents found in the
Curriculum Guidelines for Middle School (2006) and the Curriculum References of Paraíba
for Middle School (2006). Referring to the study of poetry, we concentrate on the theories by
Bosi (1977), Eliot (1991), Paes (1996) and Thomson (1977). As regards the social criticism
bias admitted in Candido (1972), Carpeaux (1999) and Gullar (1989). To reflect on popular
culture and cordel literature and its teaching, we adopt to studies Abreu (1999), Ayala (2010,
2011), Burke (2010), Galvão (2001), Marinho and Pinheiro (2012), Matos (2010), Pinheiro
(2008a, 2008b, 2011), Ribeiro (1986), Rodrigues (2006), Terra (1980) and Zumthor (2001).
In the course of our research, we observe that the cordel by poet, besides the tone of social
criticism that make us reflect on the contemporary man, also have a lyricism with
personifications, taking the reader to wander in the world of fantasy poetic. Upon reading the
cordéis in the classroom, we found that the identification of students with leaflets was formed
from the expressive oral reading facilitator and students (gestures, imitations of certain
sounds and words of personage of the cordéis read) and mobilization of prior knowledge.
Our experience with the cordéis proves that the literary text becomes more meaningful to the
student / reader is enabled when the socialization of reading.