OLIVEIRA, G. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7602985463269236; OLIVEIRA, Gabriela Santana de.
The reception of Sérgio de Castro Pinto's poetry in high school In this dissertation we reflected upon a reading experience with the work “O Cristal dos Verões” (2007) by Sergio de Castro Pinto, with high school students of a public school in Massaranduba (PB) in 2014. Our objective was to verify the reception of poems thematizing the self and its dilemmas with High school first graders. To reach this aim, we used field diary, audio recordings of some literature classes, photographs, questionnaires and a specific page on Facebook. In this sense, our data revealed that the adoption of a more dialogical and interactive methodology to work poetry in class enabled students to see themes related to the human dimension in the studied poems. Besides, the appreciation of the reader also led students to realize formal aspects in the analyzed poems. Regarding the criticism, we based our work on the contributions of Barbosa Filho (1989, 2008), Brito (1995), Lima (1968) and Paz (1982). As for aspects related to the teaching of literature, we had as theoretical support Bordini and Aguiar (1988), Colomer (2007) Cosson (2006), (2014), Jauss (1994), Jouve (2002), Iser (1996) Guimarães (2012), OCEM (2008), Pinheiro (2007), Rao (2013), RCEM-PB (2006) and Zilberman (1989). Therefore, the results indicate that whilst we think methodologically of teaching poetry based on experiences in classroom, the students are able to participate more actively in the poetry reading, showing enthusiasm and interest in themes linked to their personal experiences.