MOURA, L. O. B. M.;; MOURA, Lucielma de Oliveira Batista Magalhães de.
The domain of the academic literacy has been widely recognized as insertion condition of
undergraduate in production practices and socialization of knowledge in the academic
world. Curriculum components devoted to the teaching of academic genres have been
included in the curricula of some higher education courses in order to promote the
improvement of skills for use and production of genres of academic sphere. Against this
background, this research aims to investigate the effectiveness of curriculum components
of teaching academic writing and its implications for the expansion of literacy of Pedagogy
students from UFCG. Specific objectives, investigates (i) the impact analysis component
and Academic Texts production in Academic Literacy of the students of the School of
Education; (II) the linguistic and discursive mechanisms used to introduce written marks
on academic article; and (III) the academic writing field of undergraduates revealed from
the production article writing done in the Analysis and Production Academic Texts
component. Therefore, we conducted a qualitative research participant type, in which we
combine data exploratory, documentary and descriptive, using different data collection
instruments - questionnaire, direct observation, interview, field diary and document
analysis. The data were analyzed based on the theoretical assumptions of Sociorretórica
(SWALES, 1990; BAZERMAN, 2011; MILLER, 1984, 2009; MOTTA-ROTH, 1995, 2010),
the New Literacies Studies of, specifically from the perspective of the Academic Literacy
(LEA and STREET, 1998; STREET, 2010, 2013; MARINHO, 2010) as well as from
Bakhtin's notion of authorship (BAKHTIN, 2003). The data showed relative effectiveness
of curriculum component investigated for the expansion of academic literacy of graduates
of the School of Education, in view of the limitations found in results: (i) the written
productions revealed the appropriation of formal aspects without the appropriation of
discursive aspects in / for the production of academic text; (II) the students made little
recurrent use of language resources - discursive to introduce written marks; and (III) the
practice of plagiarism confirmed no control practices and knowledge required for the
writing of specialized text. Several factors - notably, the time factor, the production
conditions, the condition of entering - competed for not reaching a satisfactory mastery in
producing the investigated gender.