SOUSA, I. F.;; SOUSA, Iara Félix de.
There was a period in the history of deaf education that there was no possibility of an education based on visuality, nor in the valorization of deaf identity. This scenario has been progressing over the years, but there is still much to advance. From this perspective, this research consists of the study of the teaching of Libras for deaf signers based on the conceptions of visual literacy, incorporated into the methodological model of a didactic sequence. Thus, we seek to investigate the pedagogical tools used in the didactic sequence, in the teaching of Libras as a native language (L1). For the development stages of this research it was first necessary to conceptualize the teaching of Libras as L1 based on visual literacy. Then, to expose the concept of didactic sequence and its pedagogical resources and finally, to analyze the pedagogical resources used in the didactic sequence, in the teaching of Libras as L1. We introduce the theoretical bases that underpin these concepts and propose a didactic sequence that addresses the linguistic needs of deaf people, anchored in visual literacy, and also analyze the pedagogical resources used in the didactic sequence. This work was based on a qualitative approach of exploratory nature based on an experience report and a literature and document review. The results showed that the use of pedagogical resources by teachers in their classes favors the teaching and learning process, contributing to the full cognitive development of their students. As for the main pedagogical resources suitable for the education of the deaf, we noticed the Brazilian Sign Language and the visual resources. Thus, the analysis of the discussions about the pedagogical resources used in the didactic sequence, gave us subsidies to deduce that the didactic sequence itself is an important pedagogical resource to be used in deaf education.