As modern democracies they are indisputably representative, the process of selecting rulers,
through competitive change, being the whole point of these regimes. The legality of the
democratic model derives, then, from the control of voting rights, government and
accountability. “Ficha Limpa” emerged as a campaign objective as disputes over public
charges. As for the role of the Electoral Justice, the “Clean Record” Law has been promoting
or promoting the important description of electoral political agents. This legislation completas,
in the last election, ten years since its enactment and contour with more than 15 million
signatures and with the support of numerous entities and press vehicles. However, it had its
initial text reformulated during its processing in the National Congress, when the most
necessary requirements for the enactment of the text of political agents of those who have been
enumerated were defined. The data collected, by non-probabilistic, are raised in this research,
by non-probabilistic, made from samples, raised, which are raised CN. There is no practice of
conduct considered to be legible to the queerram and convicts considered to be illicit, [1,66
considered to be able to base all the specitic prerequisites on the “Record of correction of the
requirement for specific censure” of administrative improbity. On the contrary, 884% of
prisoners fixed in elective charges to postulate any elective charges. Tn turn, when specificauy
studying the data of the 2020 reference proposals, the percentage considered the low of
registration presented study study, it was a percentage of study reference presented only of the
mentioned data, percentage delegibility, based on the inclusion of data in eligibility.
Keywords: democratic accountabílity; quality ofrepresentation; electoral arena.