FERREIRA, H. R.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2593891975575704; FERREIRA, Hericles Rodrigues.
Irregularities arising from electrical installations in places such as public squares and streets or roads can lead to accidents, causing injuries of different and varied magnitudes to pedestrians, structural damage or damage to existing equipment.b The inspections carried out in Praça José Américo, Rua Paulo de Frontin and via Alça Leste resulted in the analysis presented throughout this work, with the appearance of a technical report, showing the irregularities found and, having as a reference base the Brazilian technical standards in force, as well as technical recommendations from Grupo Energisa, as it is the Paraíba concessionaire. The analyzed points correspond to the analysis of technical-constructive elements of the installations, as well as the evaluation of the state in which the installations were. In the luminotechnical aspect, the illuminance was analyzed by means of a luxmeter, in addition to the analysis of the installations. In addition, briefly, for each irregularity found in the inspection, a recommendation was pointed out, following the current technical recommendations as a form of correction, thus configuring a technical report.