PENHA JUNIOR, O. V.;; PENHA JUNIOR, Orlando Virginio.
With great adhesion and interest in the investment modality in recent years, the cryptoassets market ended up becoming a relevant modality in the financial market. However, according to a survey carried out by Valor Econômico magazine, more than 90% of investors who invest their capital in variable income end up losing money, demonstrating that most of the investments are carried out without adequate knowledge. Thus, the study aims to apply Dow theory and the concepts of the 20-period exponencial moving average (EMA20) for the purpose of guiding swing trades on the daily chart of BITCOIN. The descriptive research method was used, with secondary data from the TradingView investment analysis platform. The period of 2021 was considered for trading and the results allowed analyzing the price action of BITCOIN identifying the cycles of the primary trend and the nominal return with the speculation simulations.