GOMES, A. K. F.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6872225135817007; GOMES, Anderson Khallyl Farias.
The purpose of this work focuses on the scarcity of material produced with emphasis on tile
pieces from Campina Grande-PB. Developing a contribution of information that helps in
understanding the complexity of the compositions of the tile murals of single-family residential
works of modern character in the region, with the intention of proposing a means of visual
preservation of this cultural heritage of Paraíba. Based on this premise, the study investigates
the compositional aspects of the patterns found, ordering thoughts based on surface design
guidelines, added to elements of visual language. The transitive contribution of these areas
strengthens the construction of a material that meets the premise of image preservation,
necessary for the understanding of the compositional elements of the motifs present in the
systems. The research adopts the position that, the understanding of the visual language present
in the pieces, has an active role in the understanding of the design printed on the murals, thus
contributing to the preservation of the cultural imagery production of a region, more specifically
in the city of Campina Grande-PB. Debating aspects related to the lack of preservation of this
heritage, which continues to lose its space in the middle of the urban fabric, extolling the need
to preserve the visual memory of this architectural detail, which contributes to the context of
urban faces. As a consequence of this finding, the study praises the right of a society to have
access to these elements, constituents of affective and graphic memories, which permeate the
longing of the observer, activating several affective links with the tile product and the context
that encompasses it.