OLIVEIRA, R. J.; OLIVEIRA, RAPHAEL JORDÃO DE.; OLIVEIRA, RAPHAEL JORDÃO D.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5918469553581933; OLIVEIRA, Raphael Jordão de.
This dissertation presents the course of the master's research in which the
relationship between design, product ergonomics and intellectual property is
investigated and demonstrated.
The objective of this work is to investigate the importance of using industrial
patents to aid in the development of industrial products, as a parameter of ergonomics
The methodological procedure consists of seven phases, namely: Phase 1 –
define the research product; Phase 2 – define the project parameters of interest; Phase
3 – define the patent bank to be used in the research; Phase 4 – establish the search
criteria within the patent database; Phase 5 – select as patents; Phase 6 – select the
search fields within the patents that contain information of interest to the research, and
Phase 7 – identify the design parameters within the project patents.
Results obtained through the methodological procedure of application that
resulted in documents, analysis of conformity of parameters of the sheets21 analyzed
from graphic documents of analysis 1 and 2, generated in reports.
Conclusions. Conclusions. Conclusions. The result was presented to obtain
analysis documents of a study form for the creation of new products with ergonomic
parameters, which improve with a synchronous design elements to be presented and
integrated into new ones.