OYAMA, P. T.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6124986436923551; OYAMA, Paulo Takashi.
Applied reuse of water in agriculture is a powerful tool that restores the balance
between supply and demand at the same time may represent an extra source of nutrients
for plants. Therefore, this research aimed the reuse of effluent discharge from swine
slaughterhouses, treated by electroflocculation in the cultivation of Red Radish
(Raphanussativus L). Optimum operating parameters were calculated in the effluent
treatment process for its use in the irrigation of radishes. The electroflocculation
conditioned an 81.26% reduction rate in chemical oxygen demand. The cultivation of
radish occurred in two stages: the first in seven treatments with five replicates,
following an entirely randomized design. The last treatment, in the first stage, T7 was
irrigated with 100% raw wastewater. The second stage consisted of four treatments with
five replicates distributed in a completely randomized design, where T1 contained
complementary chemical fertilizers and treated wastewater. T2 consisted of supplement
chemical fertilizer and raw wastewater, while T3 contained complete chemical
fertilization and T4 had no nutrients added to the soil at all. It was observed in the first
plantation that irrigation with treated effluent did not significantly affect the soil profile
neither did it in plant development, despite not producing marketable products. In the
second planting there was no production of marketable bulbs, being T1 the best quality
treatment. Treatment T2 produced damaged bulbs which were adverse for trade. The
best yields were T1 and T2, of which the first had a slight advantage in both quality and
fertilizer economy.