RIBEIRO, G. A.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8444975783960079; RIBEIRO, Gabrielle de Araújo.
Soybean drying simulation (Glycine max L. Merril) variety Monsoy 9144RR, in stationary layer. Drying directly contributes in the conservation of the quality of the grain through the mass
and heat transfer between the product and the drying air. Information obtained during the
drying process is fundamental for system simulation and dryers projects. The objective of this
work is therefore perform drying thin layer of soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) to
temperatures of 80, 70, 60, 50 and 40 ° C and initial water contents of 20, 25 and 30% in wet
basis to achieve equilibrium using the equations of Fick, Henderson and Pabis, Page,
Cavalcanti Mata, Thompson and Midilli for adjustment of the experimental data and perform
the drying simulation in stationary thick layer with four layers totaling 60 cm in height and
air-speed of 1 for 1m.s for temperatures and water contents set in the thin layer. It was
verified that the increase in temperature reduced the drying time, and among the equations
those proposed by Page, Cavalcanti Mata and Midilli were the ones that best represented the
experimental data with coefficients of determination over 99%, however, all showed
predominantly biased behavior The coefficient of diffusivity, determined by the Fick equation
and considering six terms in series and ball form, had a variation between the 3,418x10-11
8.975 x10-11 m².s-1, increasing with the temperature increase. In the drying simulation it was
used the model Thompson and the average coefficients of the author's equation for the
temperature range 40 to 80 ° C and water content 20 to 30%, thus the simulation results
although not represent the drying behavior of each layer, the average simulated satisfactorily,
with an average variation coefficient of 0.26% to 26.07% and the percentage deficit of
average water content of the final 5.07% and 0.06% respectively.