DIAS, J. V.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6389108835361795; DIAS, Janine Vicente.
This thesis analyzes the socio-productive transformations and labor relations linked to the
housing system of the large rural property, in the interior of Paraíba, during the period of
the cotton-livestock binomial and after its bankruptcy, with the breakdown of the
partnership regime. Focused on two very unique study cases in their composition, which
contemplate different conditions of subordination and reproduction of a social group, in the
face of old and new structures of domination and realignment of the housing system, we
sought to understand which itineraries were chosen and destination different actors
involved, as well as updating their representations as categories or groups in rural areas.
For this, the procedures for interpreting classical studies and local historiography on
occupation, regional economics and oligarchic policies were well combined with research,
especially through the use of life history and participant observation, in which the
narrator's freedom is respected in that relates to your will on the chain and conciliation of
the moments of your past and present. As a result, it was possible to conceive a pure type
of category, or social group existing in the heyday of the “white gold”, which was called
resident-meeiro, whose identity and sociability is linked to a specific type of moral
economy, distinct from the residents “Subjects”, traditional of the cane fields. This untying
of tutored rural workers, who were in opposing contexts: resident of the sugar zone x
resident of cotton, is necessary for promoting the specificity of each social group and the
force fields of which they were part. It is considered that the main purpose of this study
was to reveal the existence of this specific social group, today resignified and resistant to
the processes of exploitation-domination still present in the large rural property, which in
turn, sought its productive restructuring after the collapse of the economy cotton in the
interior of Paraíba. In such an updated situation, we still consider the place of the housing
system in the maintenance of the large rural property, as a condition of sustenance both in
its reproduction, and in advances in new productive arrangements, designed around
modern discourses on sustainability and innovation, but surrounded of shadows from