SOUZA, D. A.;; SOUZA, Diego Araujo de.
The aim of this thesis is the controllability of some fluid mechanic models. We are going to
prove the existence of controls that drive the solution of our system from a prescribed initial
state to a desired final state at a given positive time.
The two first Chapters deal with the controllability of the Burgers-α and Leray-α models.
The Leray-α model is a regularized variant of the Navier-Stokes system (α is a small positive
parameter) that can also be viewed as a model for turbulent flows; the Burgers-α model can
be viewed as a related toy model of Leray-α. We prove that the Leray-α and Burgers-α
models are locally null controllable, with controls bounded independently of α. We also prove
that, if the initial data are sufficiently small, the control of the Leray-α equations (resp. the
Burgers-α equation) converge as α → 0+ to a null control of the Navier-Stokes equations
(resp. the Burgers equation).
The third Chapter deals with the boundary controllability of inviscid incompressible fluids
for which thermal effects are important. They will be modeled through the so called Boussinesq
approximation. In the zero heat diffusion case, by adapting and extending some ideas
from J.-M. Coron [13, 15] and O. Glass [43, 44, 45], we establish the simultaneous global
exact controllability of the velocity field and the temperature for 2D and 3D flows. When
the heat diffusion coefficient is positive, we present some additional results concerning exact
controllability for the velocity field and local null controllability of the temperature.
The fourth Chapter is devoted to prove the local exact controllability to the trajectories
for a coupled system of the Boussinesq kind, with a reduced number of controls. In the state
system, the unknowns are the velocity field and pressure of the fluid (y, p), the temperature θ
and an additional variable c that can be viewed as the concentration of a contaminant solute.
We prove several results, that essentially show that it is sufficient to act locally in space on
the equations satisfied by θ and c.