OLIVEIRA, M. C. B.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5119172277990796; OLIVEIRA, Mirella Cândido Burity de.
This text production is the result of research with the aim of investigating how was
the city of Campina Grande building spaces intended for the care of children and
adolescents in psychical suffering from the psychiatric reform movement triggered
with the intervention and the subsequent closure ICANERF, psychiatric hospital in
the city, occurred in 2005. We analyze how the criticisms were made to the asylum
model of psychiatric treatment and the development of other public assistance in
Mental Health in the municipality. In this context, two spaces for children and
adolescents are open: the CAPS Celebrity Living, which welcomes children and
adolescents in psychological distress and therefore are prohibited from exercising
their social life, and CAPSinho Campinense Centre of Early Intervention, which
develops activities to detect in infants and toddlers signs of psychological distress, to
treat them in a timely manner, as well as activities to rehabilitate children with
disabilities and developmental disorders in contact with society. We investigated the
discourses that permeate the practice in PCCs, particularly those aimed at children
and adolescents and emphasize the discourses and practices of early intervention for
these build another road to the public health services in the city. In this investigation
we resort to the discourse of the professionals involved in the practices of care of
children and adolescents in psychical suffering that gives us to see the reports of the
state and local newspapers, that's society that respects the context of building a new
network of Mental Health in the city, also refer to the production of academic
professionals who build these practices to write a history of mental health in Campina
Grande in the context of psychiatric reform, notably the Mental Health of Children.