FARIAS, M. W. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9004532321237180; FARIAS, Michele Wadja da Silva.
The radio in Brazil was for decades one of the greatest symbols of modemity. In 1932,
starts in Rio de Janeiro the “CASÉ Program”, considered a landmark in radio programming in
the country. The program was the first one to present Brazilian popular music on the radio, as
well as radio dramas, radio plays and interactive programs. The “CASÉ Program” also
pioneered in creating the first j inglês, commercial form of music, and other technical
resources used today such as the background sound, and the sound effects.
This thesis aims to discuss the influence of the “CASÉ Program”, in the popular
imagination in Rio de Janeiro during the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. From the perspective of
Cultural History, this work is to analyze the emergence of new habits and customs of Rio’s
society in the period in question. Thus, the research intends to identify forms and ways found
by the "common man", in this case listeners, to assimilate and reframe the radio programming
of the time. Whereas the act of listening to radio has become a new form of collective and
private leisure in the urban universe, it will also be taken into consideration the possible new
forms of social sensitiviíy in daily life írom the radio.