CUNHA, F. G.;; CUNHA, Fred Guedes
The present study has been directed to establish the maximum annual precipitation for various durations and return periods for the Paraíba state based on the frequency analysis. Towards this end, data from 30 raingauge stations distribuited over the whole state were used. The durations utilized were of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 days. With this, 150
different time series were generated which were tested for singularity and homogeneity. Subsequently, eight of the commonly used probability distribution functions were fitted to each of these series and the function that best fitted the series for each station was identified. Finally, a multiple geometric regression was carried out between the precipitation total (P), duration (D) and the return period (T). The regression coefficients were then regionalized. The results presented here are use ful for the planning of hydraulic control structures, and in the design of storage reservoirs, spillways, etc.