NEGUEIROS, M. T. S.; NEGREIROS, Milena Thaís Sousa.
The act of reading is present in everybody’s everyday life. It is, thus, an important means of
interaction which also promotes knowledge of different areas as one reads. Nowadays, in
exams and evaluation tests, the preference for text interpretation is more frequent. Such
preference is observed in the Languages Academic Unit of the Federal University of Campina
Grande (LAC – FUCG). Considering this reality, the present monograph was developed with
the objective of analyzing the conceptions, abilities and levels of subjacent reading in the
questions of the recruiting tests of the foreign languages course of this university, and it
verifies which ones were demonstrated by the candidates. As to the data, methods of
descriptive and analytical analysis were used, in which 2009, 2010.1 and 2010.2 tests were
analyzed, they were randomly chosen. As for the composition of the theoretical basis, we
sought studies of structural, cognitive and discursive perspective, since they are aspects which
describe processes occurred in the act of reading and/or processes related to grammar, textual
and socio-cultural knowledge; as well as the study of the chart of levels of reading used by
PISA (IPSA-International Program of Students Evaluation) in its evaluations. We analyzed 30
exams and 300 questions (considering that each exam had 10 questions), observing the
conceptions of subjacent reading in the questions, the abilities required and the ones
demonstrated by the candidates. In the end, we noticed the predominance of cognitive-like
questions, in which the candidates demonstrated little proficiency when performing reading of
this perspective and which demanded levels and abilities of inference and reflection.