SILVA, M. A.; SILVA, Marcos Antônio da.
An experiment was carried out with the objective of determining, analyzing and representing the parameters of the irrigation method with closed grooves at the end, using the sizing methodology proposed by AZEVEDO et alii (1982), in Regosol soil in the locality called Press, in the municipality of The experiment was conducted in four drum sets, three of them with three repetitions and one with two repetitions. The applied treatments consisted of four volumes (660, 2100, 2310 and 3500 æl) corresponding to the depths of 25, 50, 75 and 100 cm of soil, respectively. The parameters measured in the field were: widths and depths reached by the effective bulb and wetting front. The efficiency and uniformity parameters calculated from the field data were: application efficiency (Ea), distribution uniformity (Ud) and percolation losses (Pp). The analysis of the results showed that the application efficiency increased with the applied volume and the percolation losses decreased, presenting average values equal to 72.96 and 27.03%, respectively. The evaluation of the parameters used indicates that the wet perimeter estimated by the authors of the proposed methodology should not be used for the system design as a representative value for any length of groove, and suggests using the average wet perimeter, obtained as a function of the infiltration area and the furrow length.