BARRETO, Luciana.
This research analyzed the meanings of the scholar exclusion and mobilization to the scholar belonging feeling of remaining students, in order to characterize their scholar journey; reflect about the social and family constraints that influenced these sort of exclusion and mobilization; and analyze the processes of acquisition of the lecture and writing skills of these students. The socio-historical investigation, recognized as a case study type, was based on learning socio-historical approach, critical-dialectical of remanence, dialogic of literacy and education against the barbarism. The members of the research were two remaining students; one of their legal guardians; a teacher from the last school year and a principal, who questionnaires, interviews and draws were made with, during observations in home visits, when lecture and writing sessions and an analysis of scholar documents were made, as well. Through the microgenetic analysis, the research identified invisible trajectories, indifference and no belonging social feeling in a exclusionary society, based on a State that produces inequalities, and also in schools that intensify the social barbarism when it promotes scholar barbarism; observed the intense poverty; juvenile working; domestic violence; hostility/abandonment/mental and parental illness and confinement; pregnancy in teenhood; illiteracy and precarious literacy and authoritarian social relationships as social and familiar constraints for the physical exclusion from school. The scholar no-frequency/transience; hostile visibility in authoritarian social relationships; classificatory assessments; physical presence at school without truly live or feel its symbolic dimension; privation of qualified pedagogical mediation or unqualified mediation in literacy practices of system of codes and autonomy literacy; and scholar barbarism were identified as scholar constraints of this exclusion. As possible factors of the mobilization for the scholar returning in the students' discourses, we verified the reception and the belonging in qualified pedagogical relationships; the qualified access to the leisure/sport and to the interaction when they’re playing with others
students; and the interruption of the hostility between them. In addition, the research revealed that the involved students were in a final or intermediate literacy stage with a sense of domination, especially at the space of the school. Contradictorily, we realized that the students were wary of the resistance to the cursing barbarism and to the human dignity outside and inside of the public school. Those results have distorted the concepts of scholar abandonment and evasion, which produce a cultural privation ideology and show the necessary recognition and qualified pedagogical visibility of the remaining students and their voices and ideas about the exclusionary/mobilizing processes in the current barbarism. It happens because there is a development of state public policies of belonging and other prospective schools that value the defense of the subjective right of life and knowledge.