MARTINS, J. A.; MARTINS, Jarddam Almondes.
Cities and their structures are reflections of a relationship of sociospatial
and changing experiences, where users express their demands
and occupy vital spaces in the practice of socialization, contemplation
and motor activities, whether solitary or cooperative. Urban leisure
facilities the urban fabric and such functions. However, the shelter-type
furniture that integrates such an ambience must be available, in number
and constructive quality, to those who enjoy it, offering environmental
comfort, formal attractiveness and functional and physical compatibility
of the variables of use and occupation. Constructive practices, in design,
in modular design and in practice, which adapt as a rational and practical
element of production, which adapt to a rational and practical element of
production, which adapt to an element of quality and rational production.
The present work intends to develop a modular construction system, with
the objective of enabling an implementation project in public spaces of
construction in Campina Grande-PB.