FARIAS, D. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5668940939734528; FARIAS, Danilo de Souza.
This research is linked to the line of research “History of Education, Management and Public
Policies” from the postgraduate program in Education (PPGED) of Federal University of
Campina Grande (UFCG) and to the Center for Studies and Research in Rural Education
(Nupeforp). The subject of this research is the fight against the closure of rural schools in
Paraíba as an expression of the resistance for the right to have education. The closure of rural
schools in Brazil shows itself as a contemporary problem that has mobilized different areas of
the civil society, such as social peasant movements, forums and organizations, which act with
education among the peasant population, universities and social pastorals. Our main goal was
to comprehend how the collectivity has been organized itself and what actions were chosen by
it to put the resistance against the rural school closure in practice in the state of Paraíba. As
specific goals, we have: a) to characterize how the Rural Education Movement organizes itself
and what actions it plans to fight against the closure of schools; b) to identify who starred in
the mentioned fight and what are their main actions and strategies in the defense of the right to
education; c) To identify, in the point of view of involved organization, the advances,
contradictions and challenges in the fight against the closure of schools and in the right to have
education. The research has been classified as an explanation study, according to Gil (2007),
with an approach based on historical-dialectical materialism (NETTO, 2011; FRIGOTTO,
2001). The analytic categories that theoretically supported the research were: Rural Education
Movement, based on Caldart (2000a, 2008b), Medeiros (2020), Rocha (2013) and Silva (2009,
2018); Social Peasant Movement, based on Fernandes (2005), Gohn (2008) and Martins
(2010); Network of Social Movements, based on Sherren (2008); and Closure of Schools, based
on Hage (2014). The triangulation of the information produced by the explanation study, by
the documental analysis and by the field research enabled the description, analysis and
interpretation of the survey data. For this, we chose the analysis of the content, proposed by
Bardin (2011). In this study, we aimed at responding to the following questions: how the Rural
Education Movement organizes itself in Brazil and in Paraíba? What are the main actions of
this movement in the defense of the educational policies for the peasant population? What are
the ones involved in the fight against the closure of rural schools in the territory of Paraíba?
What actions of resistance against those closures were developed by them? What are the main
features, advances and contradictions of rural education in the perception of the group involved
with this fighting? The results showed: the importance of the peasant social movements for the
statement of schooling as a right of peasant population; the diversity of the collective political
people involved with the fight against the closure of schools in the state of Paraíba, which,
from different actions and strategies, put on the political discussion the right to education of
the peasant population and the importance of the school for the life of the community, for the
empowerment of the sense of belonging of the rural working class; and that the achievements
of the Normative Framework must be put in practice by the states and municipalities.