PAZ, T. K. F.;; PAZ, Thayna Karine Figueirêdo de.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the social return on investment applied in the
Preparatory Course for the ENEM / Vestibular, promoted by the Pedro Américo Foundation -
FPA, from April to November 2022, according to the Social Return On Investment (SROI)
analysis method. The research was conducted through a case study and is characterized as
descriptive in terms of its objectives, having a quantitative and qualitative approach. Structured
interviews and the application of change assessment questionnaires with the stakeholders of the
course object of study were used for data collection. For data treatment and analysis, the google
spreadsheets tool was used, also applying the formatting of the SROI Value Map to organize
the information of the return on investment formulas to define the SROI rate (IDIS, 2014). After processing the analyses, there was an SROI rate of 4.45% on the return on the social investment
promoted by the project, measuring that for every R$ 1.00 (one real) invested by the Pedro
Américo Foundation - FPA in the Preparatory Course for ENEM / Vestibular in 2022, there
was a return of R$ 4.67 (four reais and seventy-seven cents), indicating that the project has
outstanding social value and positively impacted the lives of its stakeholders.