BARBOSA, R. M. P.;; BARBOSA, Rayane Mirelly Pereira.
The corporate world of the 21st century has shown itself to be dynamic, competitive, and
constantly evolving, especially when it comes to human resource management. Thus, the use
of people analysis allows the management of indicators to become a valuable tool to measure
the performance and progress of companies against established goals, assisting in strategic
decision-making and in identifying areas to be modified or improved. Given this scenario,
this paper aims to propose a model of strategic HR indicators that contribute to the application
of People Analytics, improving the decision-making process in a non-profit organization. To
this end, a case study was developed in a social, civic, non-profit organization, whose data
collection occurred through systematic observations, a method that consists of obtaining
information during the effective execution of work activities. Thus, the study mapped the strategic human resource indicators, scoring those that had been implemented by the
organization and then designing a model of key indicators relevant to the institution, pointing out
the feasible way of applying the indicators within the organization. Finally, this study presents a mapping
of strategic indicators that contribute to managerial decision making, seeking to employ data analysis
tools, allowing an understanding of the evolution of these tools. In addition, it offers an understanding of
the effect of the implementation of this new technology on organizational processes and a perspective for
adding value to the business.