NASCIMENTO, O. O.;; NASCIMENTO, Otoniel Orlando do.
Carrying out an organizational diagnosis is vital for any company, defining strategic objectives and
the strategies to achieve them will allow achieving sustainable growth. This work aims to carry out
an organizational diagnosis through the model of excellence in management developed by FNQ,
in a company in the textile production sector located in the city of Campina Grande-PB, in order
to identify its strengths and bottlenecks, in addition to suggest improvements in their processes.
The approach used was qualitative and the 2016 Self-Assessment Questionnaire for the
Competitiveness Award for Micro and Small Companies in Brazil was used for data collection.
The company's best-evaluated results relate to customer criteria, strategies and plans, society,
processes and people. The points that underperformed were leadership, information and results.
The following improvements were proposed: register the mission in writing and formally pass it
on to all employees; define behavioral rules that are practiced by managers and employees;
definition of formal methods that allow collaborators to share their knowledge; creation of a
training plan for employees and measurement of their productivity in the performance of their