DIAS,Y.M.S.I; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0657693417306739; INOCÊNCIO, Yasmim Maria Dias dos Santos Inocêncio.
The present dissertation is linked to Line of Research 1, History, Policy and Educational
Management of the Graduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), and its object is the history of a public institution in the city of Areia-
PB, the Carlota Barreira School Group, created in 1968. This research falls within the
scope of the investigation on school institutions, and its main goal was to historically
investigate the process of creation of the Carlota Barreira School Group and its socioeducational role in the city of Areia-PB, from 1968 to 1973, time frame that comprises the year of creation and the five subsequent years of operation. More specifically, the research sought to: contextualize the socio-political-educational scenario in which the Carlota Barreira School Group was constituted; investigate the reasons why the institution was founded and who idealized it; understand the relationship of the school with the city of Areia; and reflect on the educational organization: physical space, solemnities and school festivities. This study was conducted and supported by: Sanfelice (2007), Nosella and Buffa (2013), Saviani (2019), Germano (2011), Pinheiro (2002) Almeida (1980) Torres (1989), Almeida (2010) among others, and also inspired by historicaldialectical materialism, (Netto, 2006; Konder, 2008; Cury,1985; Kosik, 1969). The research was carried out through document analysis, based on a survey of documentation and subsequent analysis of media documents, such as photographs and video, newspaper clippings, legal documents, memorial books, among others available in the institution, city and state archives. The study made it possible to know the antecedents of the creation of the “Carlota Barreira” School Group in the city of Areia-PB, and when it came to be considered “the great star of the social works of the Parish”, giving evidence of the effective presence of the Catholic Church in the creation and in the educational experience whose priest was Canon Ruy Barreira Vieira. Therefore, based on the period studied, it is possible to infer that the Catholic Church acted for the welfare service in the causes “of the poor ones” and the state's absence in the educational development of this institution. The data also pointed to the female presence in the teaching staff of the institution and the participation of the nuns of Santa Rita College in educational and religious actions in the School Group, in addition to the promotion of catholic and civic festivities and celebrations, since its first formation as a Reunida School and its continuity as a School Group. The study highlights, thus, the socio-educational role of this institution for the local and state history, which has more than fifty years and has been contributing to the educational formation of the areiense population.