LIMA, A. R. M.;; LIMA, Anthony Rafael Medeiros de.
This is an exploratory, descriptive study with a qualitative approach, carried out from
August to September 2022, whose objective was to analyze the teachers' knowledge
regarding the main practices in basic life support - BLS. For data collection a semi-
structured questionnaire was used and for analysis the technique of Content Analysis. Fifty
teachers participated in the research, most of them female (n=41), aged between 25 and
64 years. When assessing knowledge about BLS, the following categories emerged: I –
Ignorance and insecurity in the face of school emergencies; II – Pointing out solutions to
teachers' lack of knowledge about CPR in the school environment; and III – The
importance of a BLS project in the school context. It is concluded that the SBV is a
necessary knowledge for the educational experience of teachers, bringing them security
and dexterity in a situation that requires such practices.