OLIVEIRA, D. A.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5983974862801039; OLIVEIRA, Diaciz Alves de.
In this research, we aim to narrate and reflect on fragments of my life story, above all, to discuss my experiences in the official educational environment, starting with the Ceciliano Gomes school group, passing through the Padre Simão Fileto Municipal College and the Iolanda Tereza Chaves de Lima in the city of Cubati, from 2003 to 2015. Following, from the experiences lived in the History Course at the Federal University of Campina Grande-UFCG between 2017 and 2019. Our interest in carrying out this work stems from the desire to report and problematize the experiences I lived studying in the traditional teaching model. Also, we want to reflect on the experiences I had in higher education, the importance of critical and autonomous education, where the student is an active subject and builder in the teaching-learning process. Finally, we intend to show the importance of Pibid in teacher training. In our analyzes we realized that this work is important in demonstrating the great difficulties that financially vulnerable people have in accessing official education in Brazil, as well as highlighting the omissions and failures of the Brazilian state in terms of enabling social equality, as well as the importance of Pibid in teacher training. From a theoretical and methodological point of view, to carry out this research, we dialogued with some authors, such as Jorge Larrossa (2018), with his reflections on the concept of experience; we also approach the studies of Maurice Halbwachs (1990) about Collective Memory; we talk with Paulo Freire through his Pedagogias Do Oprimido (2005) and Autonomia (1996) and to discuss about the traditional curriculum we make use of the writings of Maria das Graças Nicoletti Mizukami (1986) dealing with this regard.