OLIVEIRA, C. R.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4200267626388356; OLIVEIRA, Caren Rayssa de.
The present work has the general objective of demonstrating, through the relevant literature,
the main difficulties encountered by black people with the intensification of unemployment in
the times of the Covid-19 pandemic.With regard to the specific objectives, there are: to
conceptualize racism and its consequences in the lives of those who suffer from it; and, to
analyze unemployment even more intensified as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.The
methodology used in the present study was a qualitative and exploratory method, carried out
through a bibliographical study, through books, periodicals, and scientific articles, which
addressed the subject studied.It was considered that the black population faced more significant
obstacles in this period, such as racism, discrimination, lack of opportunities and
unemployment.It was listed that these reflections are remnants of the existence even today of
traces of our colonial history, with all its distortions. Differences in public policies for coping
with the Covid-19 pandemic, in which the comparison between whites and blacks is historically
evident in the relationship between dominated and dominator, disguised within a structural
racist reality, with systematic planning carried out by the State.It was found that the pandemic
directly reflected on Brazilian inequality, and, in times of crisis, the popular but vulnerable
layers were the most affected in different segments, since they deal with the lack of resources
and opportunities, in which with the pandemic has become even more complex, especially for
the black population.It was stated that this scenario led to the conclusion that structural
inequalities in Brazil are reflected in the working conditions and income of the black
population, exacerbated by the pandemic, demanding short, medium and long-term policies that
really have possibilities to overcome the inequalities imposed by the pandemic.