ALVES, C. P.;; ALVES, Cleonice Peixoto.
The present work has the disposition to make a critical analysis about the female
participation in the search for the construction of egalitarian spaces, among the female
fans of Flamengo in the city of Sousa-PB. Aiming in general to explain the gender
inequality within this crowd and more specifically to understand how the patriarchal
society demarcates and delimits which bodies can occupy these public spaces,
realizing the obstacles encountered by these women Flamengo fans. We carried out a
qualitative research through the use of questionnaires via Google Forms with 14
participants, 13 fans and one fan, president of the Fla-Sousa embassy. Ecoten (2010),
Cisne (2013), among others. We can see that there is a significant growth in female
participation in stadiums, bars, television programs, organized supporters and other
spaces historically intended for men. However, there are still several obstacles for
these women to cheer freely.