CASEMIRO, M. E.; CASIMIRO, Moiséis Elias.
The objective of this work is to carry out a sociopolitical analysis of the population in the
street in the city of Sousa – PB, concerning health and mental health conditions. Soon, I have
been looking for theoretical and practical reflections throughout my work regarding the
mental health care model and the psychiatric reform movement in Brazil. In addition, the
work seeking to correspond to the proposed objectives and considering the questions in which
the population in the street situation is inserted tried to understand the limits of Social
Assistance for this population, well as, the performance of a Misericord House together These
people are located on the street in the city of Sousa – PB. Regarding the methodological
aspects, the research is characterized by its qualitative and explanatory approach, has a social
nature and issues such as techniques and procedures for observation, the use of semi-
structured interviews and a bibliographic review. Aiming at reaching the objectives within
these proposals, we conducted interviews with the application of questionnaires with Social
Assistants from the city of Sousa and volunteers from Misericord House. Not that it refers to
the theoretical contribution, but the data are analyzed from the historical-dialectical method of