ALVES, A.L.R.; Endereço; ALVES, Ana Lídia Rocha.
This work focuses on the investigation of the work of social workers at the Hospital
Universitário Júlio Bandeira (HUJB), based on the assumption that, with the
Coronavirus pandemic, the precariousness of work has been accentuated, and that
this has been reflected in the performance of the /the professional. Therefore, in an
attempt to meet the research objectives, a bibliographical review was carried out of
authors that address the category of precarious work, the transformations arising in
the pandemic context, health policy and Social Work, such as: Antunes (2020; 2015;
2003), Bravo (2020; 2006) Mészáros (2011), Marx (1988; 2004), Iamamoto (1998;
2009; 2002), among others, in addition to articles from websites about current affairs.
The approach used is quantitative and qualitative, using a semi-structured interview as
instrumental, applied with a previous script which will guide the conversation and data
analysis based on content analysis. The results obtained confirm the hypothesis that
there was precariousness with the advent of the pandemic, negatively reflected in the
daily lives of professionals, reaching both the objective and subjective aspects of the
worker. Furthermore, social workers are faced with the insertion of technology, a
novelty within the profession that transforms the work process.