COUTO, R. F.;; COUTO, Renally Fernandes.
This study aimed to deepen the discussions and analysis of relationships around financial
education and sustainability. The first article presents the clustered bibliometric map of
scientific discussions between the fields studied, supported by a co-occurrence analysis of
words, bringing the primary metrics of productivity and impact of productions, as well as the
concentrations of financial education discussions with the sustainable triple. In the second
article, we present a conceptual framework and the design of the relationship between
financial education and sustainability in behavior, considering that the levels of financial
education and sustainability have a direct impact on budget planning and control, on the
characteristics of seeking credit and investment, as well as on the levels of savings and
indebtedness, in consumer behavior and the production and disposal of waste, determining
expectations and perspectives for the future and legacy. The third article proposed the main
items involved in the seven dimensions previously presented in paper 2. A total of 139 items
were presented, validated by specialists regarding the adequacy of the item in the dimension
and the clarity of the statement, through ordering scales. The choice of items was based on
average criteria scores, leaving 137 items at the end. The work, as a whole, was a step towards
deepening the understanding of the relationship between financial education and
sustainability, especially in the environmental pillar, which little investigated. The process of
conceptual gathering and formulation of relational hypotheses and instrumentation becomes
valuable in minimizing risks and problems in the practical application of future research. As a
suggestion for future research is indicated the application of the instrument and the use of the
proposed dimensions in studies that investigate other relationships, in addition to the